
10:30 am : Premiere of films on the climate, made by local pupils
Thanks to the school children and their teachers from the C4 classes in Contern, Niederanven and Schuttrange for this project in collaboration with youth4planet & CreatiVelo

Live Talks

11:30 am : Climate and nutrition in Luxembourg (Talk in German)
Sabine Keßler
, PhD (IBLA — Institut fir biologësch Landwirtschaft an Agrarkultur Luxemburg)

1:30 pm : What do the global sciences say about climate change and what are possible solutions ? (Talk in Luxembourgish)
Andrew Ferrone
, PhD (Climatologist and meteorologist at ASTA & representative of the Luxemburgish government on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC))

2:15 pm : Jonkfuerscher live on stage (Talks in English)
Jonkfuerscher teams present their own scientific projects

3:45 pm : Climate change and weather extremes in Luxembourg (Talk in Luxembourgish)
Luca Mathias, M.Sc. (Meteorologist at MeteoLux)

4:30 pm : Klimabonus — How many subsidies can I get for my project ? (Talk in Luxembourgish)
Lisa Maria Jungerwirth (Consultant for sustainable energy transition at Klima-Agence)

Programme for kids

Betti a Litti spille mam Dreck — An interactive show with theatre and video mapping of the book Mäin éischt Null-Offallbuch’
Ëmweltberodung Lëtzebuerg
Shows at 12:45 p.m. and at 3 p.m.

Does it always have to be disposable ?

Nature in my hands
SIAS Nature Conservation Team

Interactive booths of our partners

SIAS Nature Conservation Team
Create your own mini-garden
Find out more about the Méi net am Mee’ campaign
Learn more about the link between biodiversity and climate
Quiz on the topic of natural gardens

Klimabündnis Lëtzebuerg & Action Solidarité Tiers Monde (ASTM)
Discover the global game and the ecological footprint” circuit

Mouvement Ecologique
With their project Fixit’ (realised in cooperation with the Oekozenter Pafendall)

Oekozenter Pafendall
All about Oekotopten​.lu

Science Booth with young scientists

What happens to our resources ?

CreatiVelo by youth4planet
Screening of short climate films made by local pupils

Enercoop Syrdall
Find out more about the 1st Syrdall energy cooperative

Antigaspi Exhibition

Learn all about responsible food handling for both children and adults

Sale of young plants/​seedlings

Jeff Weydert from Fromburger Haff sells his young plants : Tomatoes and more. In Luxembourg, Jeff is a player in Community-Supported Agriculture, or CSA for short — a new form of partnership between producer and consumer

Repair Café (from 10.30 am until 6 pm)

The Repair Café is a place where people meet to repair broken objects (electrical appliances, wood, bicycles, etc.) while benefiting from the advice of professionals !

Save the Klimadag in your calendar or on Facebook : https://​fb​.me/​e​/​O​V​a​jQjUZ